Kia Ora! My name is Bree.
I humanise mental health by offering a casual approach that meets you where you’re at.

Get to know Bree.


Counselling approach

I am a qualified and registered person centred therapist with seven years of experience working in self esteem work, counselling and mental health consultancy. I support individuals by being with them, not at them.​

My focus areas include:

First Nations, Torres Strait Islander & Indigenous support

Self-esteem issues

Creative guidance

Millennial mental health


Major depression

Complex trauma

Childhood neglect

Relationship issues

Band Therapy (musicians)

Small Business Wellbeing (consulting)

Artist Management Wellbeing (consulting)

Transition to parenting

How I got here

My personal journey taught me about the super power that is the human mind. I've learned firsthand that when we invest in our inner psychology, possibility presents itself on the daily.

Like many humans, I grew up without emotional support . My mother and I didn't connect, and my dad who left when I was young, eventually landed behind bars for one of the most serious crimes a person can commit. I drifted around Auckland, knowing one day I'd restart in Melbourne. How? I had no money and few prospects, except for being a pretty decent drummer. For years, I lived in constant worry and fear.

When I finally returned to Australia, I aimed to be a projected version of "Bree." Skinnier, with a hotter partner, more social media likes and all of the other falsehoods. Chasing this ideal only deepened my pain. Despite being a visual artist and musician, creativity had left my soul as my ego grew. My life became about others' perceptions, validation, and dull practicality. I felt like a glossy cardboard cutout that held no meaning.

Things changed in my mid-twenties when I fell in love. Not with an intimate partner. But with my friends. With the realisation that there was still magic in the world, good people, kindness. I owed them and myself a better life. I jumped into my own personal therapy, and got a job in mental health crisis work after a stint as a police calltaker. In this work, I was in awe of the strength in the people I supported, the stories I heard firsthand were so raw and real.

After a year or so, peers suggested studying counselling and psychology. I resisted; I wanted to focus on creativity. But noticing the wins for my clients helped me reconsider. Integrating narrative practice and creativity into counselling eventually became a thing. For nearly eight years, I've supported people in strengthening their relationship with life, and nurturing self worth. I also now design and deliver workshops for teams and groups.

On a personal level, I have a life I can genuinely say I am proud of. I nurture solid values that I have defined through my own work with coaches and therapists. I have a wife, a son and beautiful humans all around me. When the outer world throws crap and pain my way (as it does for all of us), I no longer unravel so intensely. I come back to my centre, and in turn support my community to do the same.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.
Much love.
